プレローンチ・セール - 50%!!


30日で自然に英会話できるようになる は、従来の教科書式学習から脱却し、実践的な英語にフォーカス。






✅このコースは主にスピーキングとリスニングを通して学ぶ, 実践的なコミュニケーションスキルを強化 

✅ コース教材は、日常生活で実際に使用されている英語を反映し、資格を持ったネイティブスピーカーの英語教師が執筆。

✅ 日本語から翻訳するのではなく、実際に英語で考える方法を学ぶ


✅ 当校の有資格の英語教師は、フィードバック、改善方法、あなたの状況に合わせた練習方法を毎日提供し、指導します。 

✅ 毎日の録音で上達を確認

✅ 上達への明確な道筋





  • ネイティブスピーカーの先生や学生が、あなたのやる気を引き出し、質問に答えてくれます。

  • フェイスブックとライングループへのアクセス

  • ランゲージ・パートナー・ペアリング・サービス

期間限定 プレローンチ・ボーナス!!


✅ 無料マンツーマン会話セッション: ジミー先生とお好きなトピックで30分の無料レッスン。自己紹介からビジネス英語まで、お好きなものをお選びください!

✅ カスタマイズコース: コース終了前に、コース内容についてのご提案が可能です!プリセール終了後、このコースは二度と受講できません。

✅ 50%割引: コースへの生涯アクセスは、正規料金の50%です。


Easy simple easy to follow video tutorials
Daily Practice Exercises
Daily Practice Exercises

Meet Your Instructor


My name is [your name] and I've had a camera in my hand for as long as I can remember. 

[i was like you]  I started with a cheap $250 camera (that I borrowed from my girlfriend) and since then I've used smartphones, Gopros, professional DSLRs, mirrorless cameras, and even cinema cameras worth upwards of $50,000!

[Now i've made it to the location you desire to go] I've made over a million dollars through content creation shooting commercials, music videos, real estate videos, travel & tourism videos, scaling monetized youtube channels, and plenty more.

[Destroy the main limiting belief your ideal client has that would stop them from taking action on your offer] And guess what the #1 thing I've learned throughout this entire journey is...?  👉  You don't need fancy gear, expensive cameras, or professional degrees to make an impact on the world with your content and change your life by following your creative passions... Once you understand the fundamental laws of filmmaking, the sky is the limit as far as what you can achieve. AND THAT RIGHT THERE is what inspired me to partner with my best friend Paul, launch ContentCreator.com and create the world's most affordable online course for helping aspiring content creators quickly develop the skills required to shoot professional-looking content no matter what camera gear they have.

[No one cares about us and our course and our brands. What's in it for them!] But I get it, you probably don't really care about who I am and why I created this platform... Right now, all you care about is CAN I ACTUALLY HELP YOU! Well, since launching 14-day filmmaker in 2020, over 71,000 people have enrolled in the program and the feedback is in... People are blown away at how fast they can learn content creation when they follow a proven step-by-step process. I hope you're as excited as I am for you to begin this journey!  I host a weekly Q&A call every single week in our private community, I hope to meet you soon!


  • 自然で本物の日常英語を簡単に話すことで、自分の人生を変えたい人。

  • 伝統的なアプローチを好まず、教師の話を聞いたり黒板を見たりするのではなく、実践的な状況に集中したい人。

  • 初級から中級の上級者 (A2-B1)


  • 文型を使って、自然で無理のない文章を作る

  • ​実際の対話を通して語彙を学ぶ

  • 日本人学習者にとって英語が難しい理由と、その壁を乗り越える方法を学ぶ。

  • スピーキングとリスニングのスキルを磨く

  • ​ネイティブスピーカーから毎日個別のフィードバックを受ける

  • 仲間との練習

Who Is This Course NOT For?

  • Your aren't willing to take instructions and prefer to figure things out on your own with trial and error.
  • You do not [describe the exact opposite of your ideal client] 



初級から中級の上級者 (A2-B1)







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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page and discussed in the  30日で自然に英会話できるようになる are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE The 30日で自然に英会話できるようになる Program.